Captain America is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by cartoonists Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in Captain America Comics #1 (cover dated March 1941) from Timely Comics, a predecessor of Marvel Comics. Captain America was designed as a patriotic supersoldier who often fought the Axis powers of World War II and was Timely Comics' most popular character during the wartime period. The popularity of superheroes waned following the war and the Captain America comic book was discontinued in 1950, with a short-l
Makeup Master Game
Tank Battle : War Commander
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Alpaca Run
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Dress Up Wheel - Dress Up Game
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Color and Decorate Butterflies
Funny Face Jigsaw
Friday Night Funkin Music Notes
Beauty Makeover Games
Desert Drone v2
Fish Parking - Parking Master
Peppa Pig Paper Cut
Kitsune Zenko Adventure Game
Car Drivers Online: Fun City
Ball Roll Color 2048
Ronin: The Last Samuraiā
Anime Girl Card Match
Toto Adventure
Ice Princess Body Spa Salon
Sea Treasure Match 3
Chat Master
Bunny Punch
Supermarket Grocery Shopping Game
Mixed Juice
Virus Shot
Talking Ben Coloring